Miss Becky sent Gennie another treat! She LOVES Miss Becky!
Eating some of Miss Becky's treat.
Even Mommy doesn't look good when viewed from behind!
15 pound cat
13 pound catWell, this is embarrassing. I guess the photo says it all. Maybe I should consider a diet. Mommies are becoming concerned about my weight. Every time I gain half a pound Mommy says that I absolutely cannot gain another ounce. Then, of course, I do. But now I am 15 pounds and I don't want my mommies to be sad and worry about me. Maybe I should cut back.
Miss Becky sent Gennie a really good peanut butter granola bar. Mommy had a couple of bites and then put the rest of it in a baggie for Gennie. It will last her quite a few days because she is only allowed a small piece every day along with her fresh fruit. (Gennie doesn't seem to have a weight problem.) Gennie says a big thank-you to Miss Becky!
It is a beautiful day here. Many of our windows are open and the ceiling fan in the living room is rotating. What a great Friday night! I think Mommies will watch TV. Mommy is going to read a book too.
Mommy was on her way out the door yesterday to go to the farm to work and check on a turkey buzzard that was trapped in a corn crib (see blossomridgefarm blog). She had her arms full of everything she wanted to take to the farm. At the last second she glanced back into the kitchen and there was Marquette staring at her. She looked at him and decided she didn't want to go to the farm...she wanted to stay home with us. She got in the car anyway and drove to the store to buy some lemon biscotti and some food for Lucy that Grandma can't buy in Logansport any more and then came home, put everything away, and spent the day with us. We were very happy, and so was she!
Movie review: Yesterday Mommy watched Milk. Now you need to know that Mommy does not like Sean Penn's politics and was not really looking forward to watching this movie. The clips she saw did not interest her that much. But Grandma had watched this movie with her sister and liked it, and Mommy knew she would be watching it by herself. So yesterday she put it in the player. Mommy lived through this period of history and was familiar with Harvey Milk and the murders in San Francisco...not to mention the infamous Twinkie Defense! From almost the opening scene in the movie Mommy was hooked. The acting, editing, writing...everything about this movie was excellent, and Mommy says Sean Penn deserved his Oscar.
Mommy cried a lot during this movie, mostly because she understood it so well. It made her sad. It made her angry. It made her want to be more active in this civil rights issue. Mommy says four down and forty-six to go, and we, in our family, know exactly what she means. I know you want to live long enough, Mommy, to see the Supreme Court take this decision away from the states and act on this civil rights issue once and for all, and I hope you do. I hope I am around when it happens, because I want to celebrate with you.
Mommy and Grandma give this movie two thumbs up and recommend it for mature audiences.
~There is no such thing as a FREE kitten!~