There is an awful noise coming from the loft here on Blossom Ridge. I have never heard anything like it! Gizmo is howling like he does when he hears a fire truck. Mommy says it is Mommy Bonnie playing a recorder. She plays all sorts of wind instruments and used to make Native American flutes and write her own music. Mommy says it is beautiful music and is very soothing to listen to. Mommy Bonnie hasn't played for a while and it shows! She is practicing because she is going to play with three other people in her and Mommy's church's Boars Head production this Christmas. She played for several years but the group did not perform last year.
Mommy gave us a paper bag to play with because Marquette won't stay out of Mommy Bonnie's cloth bag that has all the receipts for materials for the cottage in it plus lots of other important papers. Marquette and Tacumwah have been inside the paper bag but I have not. It makes lots of crackling noises.
I forgot to tell you about the macaroni jar! One day, about a week ago, Mommies heard a loud and terrible crash coming from the kitchen and, when Mommy investigated, she found her macaroni jar smashed into a zillion pieces on the kitchen floor with a zillion pieces of macaroni all over too. What a mess! And Marquette and Tacumwah walked right through it to escape from the kitchen! They had been chasing each other all over the counters and, when jumping from the top of the kitchen cabinets to the top of the fridge, they broke the macaroni jar. I was not in on this because, as yet, I do not get on the counters much and have not figured out how to get on top of the cabinets.
We want to wish Miss Marra a very happy birthday. She turned the big 3-0 on Friday. We also want to send our good wishes to Little Dexter who will be going under the knife in about a week. It is ok, Dexter. There are worse things. You could still be in Ohio in the cemetery instead of having a wonderful home with your Mommy and Baby Si-Si.
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