No one could ever accuse Mommy of being Lazy. But the last two days she hasn't done much except read and take naps, performing only the most minimal of household chores. She is gearing up for the move to the cottage. She says that, beginning tomorrow, her days will be very hectic and she doesn't know when she will again have a day she can completely call her own. She will either be working or moving every day for the foreseeable future.
Mommy is an introvert, which very few people know. She has no problem being alone and needs time to relax and regenerate, which she is able to do in the company of a good book or movie. Her best friends have 4 legs and provide her with unconditional love. She loves sharing her life with Mommy Bonnie, though she (Mommy), on a regular basis, needs complete solace.
So the last two days before the frenzy begins, Mommy opted to lose herself in a novel, watch a movie, and do only what is necessary to make certain that her 4-legged friends are cared for. Since we don't have to assist with the move, we do not understand the trepidation Mommy feels. She told us that we can help best by making a rapid adjustment to the cottage and using our litter box and not having any accidents while we make that adjustment.
Of course the price of gasoline is going up since Mommies will be commuting after Memorial Day. Not happy news.
KJ is doing his yard training this week for Hiner and then will be with a driving trainer for 6 weeks before getting his own truck. Mommy is very happy for him.
Mommy is enjoying March. Right now Mr. March is in Concord conversing with Henry Thoreau while wooing his future wife who will be the mother of Alcott's Little Women. Though well-written, Mommy isn't convinced this book should have received the Pulitzer. She will have to wait and see as she is only a little over a third through it.
Mommy Bonnie and Little Bear head for the farm after dinner tonight so that Mommy Bonnie can get an early start tomorrow on the floors. She will be spending a couple of nights there. Mommy won't be spending the night until the cottage is ready for the dogs.
~There is not such thing as a FREE kitten!~
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