...the harder they fall.First casualty of the railing...your blogger.
Tacumwah and Little Bear are best buds.Tacumwah is using LB as a pillow while they share a wool blanket.
Toasted cat...Tacumwah on the toaster.
Lucy helping Mommy paint on the last sleepover.
Yes, it is sadly true that this morning I became the first casualty of the loft railing. I was walking the railing and Tacumwah was pawing at me from Mommy Bonnie's hopeless chest wanting to play. Mommy was on her way up the stairway to try to prevent a mishap when I lost my balance and tumbled into the dining area below. I managed to hit every countertop and hand railing between the loft railing and floor where I landed. Mommies couldn't do anything but gasp as I flew through the air. I landed on my feet (sort of), and walked away. But now my right front leg is giving me fits and I keep licking it and looking up at Mommy and telling her it hurts. I am putting weight on it so she doesn't think it is broken. Mommy Bonnie hopes it will keep me off the railing for the rest of my life!
Mommy has had two sleepovers since I was last able to post to my blog. Let's see if she can remember the food and movies.
The November sleepover featured some beef tenderloin fillet that Mommy thought was a whole piece but ended up being trimmings. Grandma had baked potato and a salad with it if Mommy remembers correctly. The menu for the December sleepover (just this past Wednesday) was sauerbraten, red cabbage and noodles that Grandma does in a crockpot, and Mommy said it was yummy.
Mommy tried to paint this one wall in Grandma's bedroom that has issues (long story), but there wasn't enough paint to do a good job. Grandma is going to buy more paint and Mommy will try again in a month or two.
Movies: November - Burn After Reading with John Malkovich, Brad Pitt, Tilda Swinton, Frances McDormand and George Clooney. Mommy and Grandma both give this movie a thumbs up and 4 stars. Destined to be a cult film in the future, this was a witty, wonderfully-acted movie with a most uncharacteristic performance by Brad Pitt. Well-written and directed by the Coen brothers, this movie is hard to categorize; i.e., is it a drama or comedy? It involves blackmail, infidelities, double-standards. Absolutely hilarious with unexpected twists and turns. You could watch this movie over and over and see things you didn't see in previous viewings. Rent this movie.
December - The Visitor with Richard Jenkins, Hiam Abbass, Haaz Sleiman, and Danai Jekesai Gurira. Jenkins plays a widowed professor who is teaching only one class so that he can concentrate on finishing his 4th book. When told that he must go to New York to present a paper at a conference, he arrives in NY at an apartment he owns to find a young couple occupying it. This young couple are both illegals. Jenkins' character befriends them, lets them stay on, and the relationships that develop enrich the lives of all three of them, particularly Jenkins, who feels depressed and whose life has become mundane. Jenkins takes a leave of absence from his job while he tries to assist Sleiman's character, Tarek, after he has been arrested and detained as an illegal. Not a great movie, Mommy still gives this movie 3 stars.
The Namesake with Kal Penn, Tabu, and Irrfan Kahn. Mommy watched this movie last night and enjoyed it (3 stars). Arranged marriages, trying to keep ones culture alive in a foreign country (Indian-born couple lives and works in New York), and attempting to instill those cultural values in children born in America who appreciate all that America stands for and have little understanding of what life would have been like for them if they had grown up in India (until they take a 3-month trip there with their parents) are what this movie is about. And surfacing throughout the movie is the fact that the father names his son after a Russian writer, Nikolai Gogol. This name causes the son some problems in school and in his life in general though Mommy isn't certain exactly why. Here is a brief excerpt from one of Gogol's books which Mommy thinks is excellent:
"The moon is made by some lame cooper, and you can see the idiot has no idea about moons at all. He put in a creosoted rope and some wood oil; and this has led to such a terrible stink all over the earth that you have to hold your nose. Another reason the moon is such a tender globe it that people just cannot live on it any more, and all that's left alive there are noses. This is also why we cannot see our own noses - they're all on the moon." (from Diary of a Madman, 1835)
Mommy has no book reviews. She is currently reading Dan Brown's latest book, The Lost Symbol, but has not read a book cover-to-cover for a while.
Mommy Bonnie is working on a paper for her class and Mommy isn't doing much of anything. She has two days off the middle of this month and additional holidays that will give her two 5-day breaks. She doesn't have much to do to keep herself busy, but she says she will come up with some projects.
Mommy Bonnie will be going to Iowa over Christmas to see her son, Scott, and her two granddaughters, Maya an Nala. Mommy will go spend part of Christmas day with Grandma. Grandma may also have all of her children and their spouses over on the 13th for a get-together, and Mommies are going to Wolcottville on the 20th to spend some time with one of Mommy Bonnie's cousins, Janice.
No other news here. The most exciting news was me taking a tumble from the loft railing. Little Bear also had an issue with the front porch steps and he refuses to go up or down them any more. He may be injured because he yelps every once in a while and won't chew hard treats...only wants soft ones. And Millie is stiffer now in the colder weather. So we are the walking wounded here.
Mommy says she will try to update the blog soon so that my readers can get the latest news about my fall.
~There is no such thing as a FREE kitten!~