Mommy Bonnie is trying to find a way to Iowa to visit her son and granddaughters that will keep her on good roads. It is 11 a.m. and she hasn't left yet. Mommy hopes the weather is better tomorrow when she tries to get to Logansport to visit Grandma for the day.
There just isn't much going on here. We sleep a lot. Mommy has lots of books and a movie to watch over the weekend. She worked yesterday and will get a couple extra days next week too. So far both of my mommies have been able to get to work. They say the hardest part is getting to a main road. Mommy Bonnie has to get to 9 and Mommy has to get to 24. There are lots of curves and hills between here and there.
I recovered from my fall just fine. My leg never did swell and I only limped a couple of days. I haven't been on the railing since though Tacumwah has.
No other news here. I hope all of my readers have a safe and joyous holiday season!
~There is no such thing as a FREE kitten!~
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