Friday, August 28, 2009

Yes, I am a BIG boy!

Why does she do this to me?

Big, but very handsome!

Another week has flown by since my last post. Things have been very busy here. Mommy Bonnie started classes on Monday and - wouldn't you know it? - a young girl ran into the back of the Jetta while Mommy Bonnie was slowing down for an accident in front of her. The damages are not too bad since the bumper did what it was supposed to do and absorbed the impact.

Mommy spent the last two days mowing along the road for the second time. She said it was easier this time and she was hoping she would not get poison ivy, but she did. Maybe it won't be so bad this time.

Book review: Julie and Julia by Julie Powell. This is the book that the movie was made from...the insane challenge one woman gave herself to make every recipe in Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking, in 365 days (and blogging about it). Mommy didn't think she would like this book when she first began reading it, but it turned out to be pretty funny and entertaining. What Mommy appreciated most about this book was the honesty. Powell wrote of her failures as well as her successes, and pulled no punches in describing the filth that built up in her kitchen over the year (sinks that would not drain, flies, maggots). Mommy thinks this book is well worth the read and thinks it would make a great book club book.

Mommy will be on vacation starting Wednesday of next week. She will be home for 12 days and is looking forward to doing nothing!

~There is no such thing as a FREE kitten!~

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Life is good

Lucy and friend


Mommy and Karen

Another day at The Farm. Mommy has been gone for her sleepover and got back before noon today. Mommy Bonnie took care of us and she did a good job. She doesn't put quite as much food in our food bowls as Mommy does, but we get by.

On Monday Mommy and her friend, Karen, met at Ziffles's for barbeque. Mommy so enjoys the time she spends with Karen! They laugh at everything!

On Wednesday, Mommy and Grandma got their August sleepover in. They had scallops, slaw and spicy fries, and a WONDERFUL cherry pie made from sour cherries from the trees belonging to our neighbor, Denny. Mommy's brother, Connie, stopped by to say hi. Mommy loves seeing both of her brothers and their wives. The older she gets, the more she enjoys the time they spend together.

Movie review: The Wrestler, starring Mickey Rourke. Of all the 2008 movies up for Oscars in 2009, Mommy put off watching The Wrestler, thinking that a movie about pro wrestling could not be that good. Wrong! This was a wonderful movie with Oscar-worthy performances by Mickey Rourke and Marisa Tomei. Rourke plays Randy "The Ram" Robinson whose story is less about his success as a pro wrestler and more about his failures at his personal relationships with his estranged daughter and Tomei, a professional stripper. Mommy and Grandma did not expect to like this movie and LOVED it. Just goes to show you, I guess. When the movie is over, unless Tomei had a body double, the viewer is treated to just about every inch of her body...nude! We should ALL have such great bodies! Four stars, without a doubt!

Mommies went to the BMV yesterday to change their legal residence to The Farm, and to get plates for the Honda and Mommy Bonnie's VW Jetta. Mommy loves both of the vehicles, but she just adores driving the Pilot, which she plated and pays the insurance on.

Movie review: Grey Gardens with Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange. Mommy gives this TV movie 4 stars. She very highly recommends that our readers first watch the original Grey Gardens (1975) with the real Big and Little Edith Beale. Without watching the 1975 movie first, you will not be able to appreciate the performances by Barrymore and Lange, nor the makeup. The 2009 TV movie is incredible, but you won't know that unless you see the 1975 movie. Mommy does not want to spoil one minute of these movies by telling our readers anything about them. You have to experience this to believe that anyone could live this way. You won't believe what you see!

Mommy is about halfway through Julie and Julia...the book. She has come up with a great idea! Mommy thinks that when the movie comes out on DVD, that people should have Julie and Julia dinner parties. Someone hosts the party which includes a viewing of the movie. The host makes the main dish...perhaps Boeuf Bourguignon. All guests are to bring an accompanying dish from Mastering the Art of French Cooking. This format could also be used for book clubs. Anyway, Mommy is going to do this on a verrrry small scale. Miss Marra invited herself out when Mommy gets a copy of the movie, and Mommy may ask a couple of other people. Sounds like a good time!

Mommy Bonnie starts class on Tuesday! Mommy is going to enroll at IPFW so she can take a class now and then, too.

~There is no such thing as a FREE kitten!~

Sunday, August 16, 2009

A hot day predicted for The Ridge!

Who? Me?

My brother lying next to Mommy on the front porch futon.

It has only been a week this time since I have been able to get Mommy to sit down with me and post to my blog. I suppose since there is not much going on with me these days, that once a week will have to do.

Mommy was up verrry early this about 3:40 a.m. She made coffee and went outside and sat on the porch. I thought this was very strange behavior until HE showed up. Mommy's son, KJ, stopped by on his way to Hiner to drop off some movies for Mommy and to have a cup of coffee. I didn't know what to do. I ran around anxiously, trying to figure out the best place to hide. You see, whenever people come over I run up the stairs and dive under the quilt on the bed. But Mommy Bonnie was on the bed sleeping and I am still not 100% cool with her. So I ran into the kitchen, then past KJ and on to the front porch, then finally I ran up the stairs. I peeked through the railing to study KJ before getting under the quilt. But there was Mommy Bonnie's body, so I didn't stay long.

These massages I am getting are just great! Try as I may to get more, I only get one a day.

Mommy Bonnie has been sick so Mommy did not got for her sleepover on Wed. She stayed home and took care of us animal companions and Mommy Bonnie. Then she was going to try to go to Grandma's Saturday but that didn't work out either. So now they have rescheduled for this coming Wednesday.

Mommy has been busy cleaning the cottage since it has been too hot to work outdoors. It does look better, I must admit.

Book review: Finger Lickin' Fifteen by Janet Evanovich. Well, Mommy thought this might be the last Stephanie Plum novel she might read. But then she laughed so hard in a couple places that Stephanie has a reprieve for at least one more novel. Stephanie still can't apprehend skips, still blows up a car or two a book, and still can't make up her mind between Morrelli and Ranger, but the book was still a fun read. Stephanie Plum was just over 30 years old when the novels began. At one novel a year, she should be mid-40s by now and she still can't settle down with Morrelli?? Let's get real, here. Make up your mind already, girl!

Today Mommies are going to watch Grey Gardens with Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange. A review will follow. Mommies watched the original "movie" with the two Beales.

~There is no such thing as a FREE kitten!~

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Heat index hits 100 at Blossom Ridge Farm!

Mommy Bonnie's Great Stuff pepper. It is huge!
Great Stuff is the name?

Me trying to nap behind the TV in the family room.

Another long time between posts. I guess The Farm blog is more important to Mommy now...and that new weather station she writes about. So the heat index today hit 100 degrees! Who cares?

There is absolutely nothing new with us cats. Same-old, same-old.

Mommy Bonnie is going back to college. She starts the 25th. She and Mommy bought a used Honda Pilot, trading in Mommy's Ford Focus. Of course all this info is on The Farm blog, which gets updated more often than MY blog!

So Mommies brought the used mower Mommy Bonnie purchased from a co-worker back from The Fort Thurs. night, and today, before the heat index got to 100, Mommy mowed some of the weeds around the cottage.

Movie review: Taken with Liam Neeson. We had to listen to this movie last night and it sounded pretty suspenseful. I heard Mommy say things like, "Wow!", and "Awesome!" When it was all over, I gather that she liked it, because I heard her tell Mommy Bonnie she would give it 3 stars. It was about this guy who used to be in the CIA. His wife divorced him and he lost touch with his daughter because he was too busy off hunting bad guys when she was growing up. His wife remarried and was making it difficult for him to have a relationship with his daughter. Then the daughter gets kidnapped, and Liam Neeson's character is off to Europe to save her. Mommy says if you like an entertaining action film, pick this one up. Lots of violence though. Mommy was surprised this was rated PG 13 and not R.

This is sleepover week. Grandma has been in Chautauqua but will be back Tuesday. Mommy and Grandma are almost to the bottom of the huge bag of scallops they opened many, many months ago, so they will have another round of them...along with a cherry pie Grandma made from the sour pie cherries our neighbor, Denny, gave Mommy some weeks back. The movie of the month will be The Wrestler.

Mommy finally moved up on the holds list for the latest Janet Evanovich book. She will review it when she is done. This may be the last Evanovich book Mommy reads. She says the stories are beginning to repeat themselves.

~There is no such thing as a FREE kitten!~