Mommy, Marquette and Tacumwah spent the morning in Barcelona with Vicky and Cristina. Mommy didn't want to enjoy her trip to Barcelona because she doesn't like Woody Allen. When it was all over with, Mommy had to admit that the movie was very well written and the acting was very good. (She called it an Art Flick, whatever that means.) The movie also had quite a message about love and how most people settle for less than they want, playing it safe. Mommy said she identified more with Cristina, for whatever that is worth. She wishes that they would have told what the wines were that flowed so freely throughout the movie. At one point either Vicky or Cristina asked about a wine and the question was never answered. Mommy is ready to go to Barcelona (or Italy or France) to taste wines and eat food. Mommy recommends this movie to our readers over the age of 13.
Mommy is also enjoying Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer. She also identifies with people who enjoy a challenge and take risks. She has never wanted to go through life playing it safe.
Mommy went to Hicksville to have lunch with Mommy Bonnie and see the hickory cabinets for the cottage. The photos make the wood look much darker than it is. Mommy just loved the cabinets. She said they are the most beautiful she has ever seen. She may not upload any photos on the farm blog because they do not do the countertops and cabinets justice.
Marquette got in serious trouble. Mommy is writing a short novel and she backs it up on an SD card. She went to back it up yesterday after working on a chapter and the computer wouldn't recognize the SD card. Mommy thought she must have accidentally locked it. She pulled it out of the computer and noticed it had half a dozen tiny little holes in it! She knows it was Marquette and that he had chewed on the card when she had the drawer in the table open once. The card is ruined. Mommy found a brand new one and was able to back up the book. She put it in a heavy plastic case this time and will be certain to always shut the door from now on. Luckily she doesn't think there was anything important on the card, but she will never know.
Grandma called an hour ago and told Mommy she is taking the family to see Wicked in June. Mommy said it was just the perfect ending to a great two days off...two great movies, two good books, seeing the cabinets...and now, Wicked! Mommy will be having her second sleepover with Grandma and Aunt Lucy next Wednesday. They have so many good movies they can't decide which to watch! And I think Mommy is going to make scallops. She will probably take a fruity white wine to serve with the meal.
Oh, and Mommy signed up today for her next wine class - Wine and Food Pairing. She will work on buying the five wines and will probably take the class in a couple of weeks.
~There is no such thing as a FREE kitten!~
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