The snow was pretty deep and he loved it!
and stole Marquette when he was a kitten...

This is my very own bowl!

which will go into the basement of the cottage.
Gizmo was lucky! He got to go to The Farm today with Mommy and even go into the cottage with her! Mommy didn't want to go. She wanted to stay home and read and watch a movie. But Mommy Bonnie really wanted her to go to take photos of the ceilings and the primer on the walls, so she went. She and Denny walked through the house and then Mommy and Gizmo walked around the property so Gizmo could get some exercise. On the way home Mommy stopped in Roanoke and got a latte and then at Gordon's to buy some scallops and some soup to take to Grandma's for the sleepover.
Mommy Bonnie has had to work all weekend. She and her co-worker, Diane, were up most of the night and then went to work this morning. The new software they have been helping to migrate at their plant goes into affect this week. It has taken many, many months of work and everyone is very tired.
Mommy also worked yesterday so only had today to rest. She will continue to read when she is done helping me with my blog. She is reading The Reader. She wanted to read the book before watching the movie. Mommy and Grandma have chosen Sumdog Millionaire for their sleepover movie this month. Then, of course, there will be the scallops, oven fries, coleslaw, and a fruity white wine. All of us cats here on Blossom Ridge LOVE fish! Mommy made tilapia recently and we begged something awful!
That is my news for today!
~There is no such thing as a FREE kitten!~
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