I worked my way under the kitchen runner.
Here we are and another week has come and gone.
Mommy finally got everything taken care of with the Honda Pilot and a check is in the mail from the insurance company of the lady who ran into it. Soon it will go into the shop for repairs.
Karen met Mommy at Ziffles last Monday and, as usual, they found plenty to talk about. Mommy thinks Karen is just about the neatest person she has ever met.
No books or movies to review but Mommy is very much still enjoying Homer and Langley. She wishes she had time to just finish it, but there is much to do and little time to read.
Mommy does want to mention a new TV series she watched last week, The Good Wife, starring Julianna Margulies. She says the writing is excellent as well as the acting, and it is her new favorite show. Tuesday nights at 10 on CBS. Mommy can't stay awake long enough to watch it so has to watch it on the computer the next day.
Mommies took off yesterday to go to an apple orchard southwest of Huntington, to tour the Forks of the Wabash museum and the Richardville house, to pick up a cache for Mommy at Evergreen Park, and to go to the Pioneer Festival at Hires Park.
Tacumwah is sick. She has a runny nose and eyes. Mommies are keeping a close eye on her. She has never been sick before.
Builder Mike will be back this week to begin work on the barn. They will pour the concrete slab. I don't know what I will do. I must learn to overcome my fear of strangers so I don't have to spend entire days under the quilt on the futon in the loft.
Grandma's computer is up and running again. Changing the monitor did the trick and Mommy has an idea of how to restore the settings and maybe get the flat screen monitor to work again.
There were sirens last night and some emergency vehicles went racing down the road headed south. Mommy saw Mr. Taylor in one of them. Mommy has seen him almost every weekend!
Mommy needed a new cellphone, so last weekend Mommies went to The Fort and ran lots of errands and picked up a few caches. Mommy wanted a phone like the one she had, but AT&T didn't carry it any more. She picked out one that was similar and the young man who waited on her said, "That is a very popular phone with seniors." So Mommy calls to Mommy Bonnie and says, "Come over here, Bonnie, and look at the senior phone I like."
~There is no such thing as a FREE kitten!~
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