Saturday, September 5, 2009

Possum Taylor? NOT!

See the water drop? I am waiting to catch it!
See the drop on my face that looks like a tear?

Lucy on the last sleepover.

Sometimes things that happen are just strange.

Mommies went to Roanoke today to the farmer's market. Mommy saw a couple of volunteer firemen and thought one looked familiar...that it was Mr. Taylor who didn't adopt me last Labor Day because he couldn't find me when it was time for his family to leave Timber Lake. WAS Mr. Taylor and he remembered Mommy and, more importantly, he remembered ME!!! He said he and his family often talked about me and wondered what had happened to me. They had assumed that Mommy had adopted me and given me a good home. So Mommy told him that she had, indeed, taken me to Fort Wayne to live and that now I was back at Timber Lake living in the cottage. Mr. Taylor knew right where the cottage is. He told Mommy that he was very glad to learn that I had a good home and that his family would be very happy to find that out. Mommy told him my name and how much I weighed, and Mr. Taylor was impressed with what a big boy I turned out to be.

But here is the strange part of the whole encounter...that it was exactly one year ago that all of the adoption craziness took place...over Labor Day weekend. And on the exact same holiday weekend a year later, Mommy runs into Mr. Taylor and gives him an update on me. Don't you think that is weird?

Do you remember earlier this year when Mr. Taylor's photo was in the Huntington Tab and Marquette told me about it? Mommy wanted to email Mr. Taylor then and let him know about me. Mommy still has the note the Taylors wrote and left on the camper saying they couldn't find me when they left. I don't think we have seen nor heard the last of the Taylors. It is a small world.

And Possum Taylor? If I had gone home with the Taylors I wouldn't now have a last name no one can spell and most mispronounce!

~There is no such thing as a FREE kitten!~

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