Today is another day. Kathy went to work but I saw her this morning, at noon, and throughout the evening. We played. Even Bonnie visited and petted me. She thinks I am still full of worms but I am not. I am just plump. I can't help it if Marquette inherited all the sleek and handsome genes.
Kathy said that work went well. I don't know what she expected, but it was okay.
I don't have a lot to write about today. I just layed around, played some, ate and drank, and used the litter box. The trips to the litter box have, thankfully, decreased in frequency.
Kathy comes in every night and we talk. She tells me how wonderful it is to have me in the family. I purr and rub up against her and let her rub my tummy.
Before she left the room last night she said, "I love you, Possum."
"I love you too, Mommy," I whispered, but I don't know if she heard.
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