I have dictated my blog to Mommy Kathy today. I felt like all of my readers would want to know how I got along with my surgery today. You will notice in the photo that I have already begun to work on my bandages, trying to remove them. I am finding it hard to walk in the bandages because I slip. I am also missing something between my back legs, but right now I am more interested in my front legs. Then the doctor wanted to pull some of my baby teeth, but Mommy Kathy said no, just let them come out when they are ready. What a day!
Mommy Kathy came to visit me at the hospital. Normally I don't let her kiss me, but this afternoon I let her kiss me a lot and pet me, and I didn't want her to go home. We agreed to a twenty-year contract, after which we can renegotiate the contract. The first twenty years she provides me with food, snacks, a soft bed, playthings and medical, and I have to purr, sleep in her lap and on her bed, and entertain her by playing with Tacumwah and Marquette. I am also supposed to try not to barf hairballs, get cat litter all over, tear up furniture and bedding with my teeth (like Tacumwah), or play in the toilet bowl if someone forgets and leaves the lid up.
For those people who don't know what Mommy Bonnie looks like, I have had Mommy Kathy upload a photo of her with Tacumwah. For some reason, Tacumwah never photographs well. She always looks mean or is out of focus. When Mommy Kathy got home from visiting me today she saw the swivel rocker tipped over. And guess who did it? The cat in the chair!
~There is no such thing as a free kitten.~
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