Another day and I am still in the garage. I entertain myself by killing the garage crickets. I think I have eliminated all of them.
Kathy comes out to see me often and we play paper and string and I chase the red dot. The red dot seems to only appear when Kathy is in the garage. I have concluded that she might have something to do with that.
I am still spending way too much time in the litter box. I hope my system gets back to normal soon and that worm medication wears off.
Let's see....
On Tuesday night Bonnie came into the garage. She is afraid of me. Afraid she might take a parasite into the house and infect the other animals. But she did make over me a little without actually touching me. I heard her talk about finding me a good home. After she left though, Kathy told me I WAS in my forever home and that Bonnie really knew that. There was something said about Kathy signing a paper promising to not bring home any more animals. I think she feels that she was chosen by St. Francis to help homeless kittens.
There was also something said about a cottage that was going to be built near the campground where Bonnie bought two acres of land adjacent to the campground that had a walking easement to the lake. Kathy said that my brother and I would one day be living on land near where we were born. I guess that is cool and beats living in the city.
On Wednesday Kathy was gone for a while during the day doing something called geocaching. I don't understand that, but I guess it is a game where you look for hidden things. Anyway, when she came home she had a surprise for me. She had bought me my own ceramic cat bowl. It had a cat on it and it said My Compliments to the Chef! I guess Tacumwah and Marquette have similar bowls. Tacumwah's says You May Feed Me Now!, and Marquette's says Life Is Good! Kathy also bought me a leather collar like what Tacumwah and Marquette wear and she put my rabies tag on it. She told me that, after my bath this weekend, I WILL be wearing the collar. Oh, happy day! I guess I will also be getting a name tag with my name on it and her phone number.
I got to use my bowl last night and the chow was pretty good. It was turkey, I think, and I ate it right down.
A few weeks ago while she was geocaching in Ohio, Kathy found 6 starving kittens in a cemetery. She packed them up and took them to the library where she works. They all had homes in a week. But some of them had fleas. Some had worms. Some had coccidia. So they all had to be treated and, in some cases, they gave the coccidia to other cats in the homes where they were taken and then THOSE cats had to be treated. Those kittens weren't quarantined like me.
Last night I saw my brother. I was eating from my new bowl and Kathy opened the kitchen door and she was holding Marquette. We stared at each other and neither of us was aggressive. I think Marquette wanted to come visit with me but Kathy said it was too soon. He looked pretty good to me. He appears longer and slimmer than I am but, after all, he is Marquette The Perfect, and he didn't have worms or anything like me. I am looking forward to the day we can be together.
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