Ayn Rand*, the mother of existentialism, wrote a book called The Virtue of Selfishness. For most of her life, Mommy thought that being selfish was a bad thing and that you should always put others first. But now she knows that people need alone time (at least she does) to regenerate and to escape from the stress of life, if only for a short period of time. So Mommy's Wednesdays and Thursdays off are her selfish days...the days when she tries to do something that she enjoys. On the weekends Mommy Bonnie keeps her very busy, so she really looks forward to her days off during the week. Not that she doesn't cook, clean, shop, do laundry, run errands pertaining to The Farm, and spend time with us pets on those days, but she always tries to do something nice for herself. Today was no exception. Read on.
Mommy has been waiting since last October to read James Patterson's Against Medical Advice. She heard about it on Talk Radio and placed a hold on it immediately. Long story short, she read it in two sittings (one last night and one this morning) and thought it was a page-turner. She recommends this book to our readers over the age of 13 and gives it four out of four stars. It is a true story of a family dealing with a child with Turret's Syndrome as seen through the eyes of the child. No spoilers here. Read the book!
The next selfish thing Mommy did was to watch The Reader. Mommy didn't expect to like it and expected an X-Rated movie, but neither was the case. With a few minor exceptions, the movie was faithful to the book and Mommy thought it was excellent. She especially liked Kate Winslet's performance. Recommended for mature audiences.
No news on whether Roger found a buyer for the camper. The check from the insurance company for repairs did arrive yesterday, and Mommies hope Roger can sell the camper for a nice chunk of change.
The lady who wants to look at our villa will also be looking at another villa on our street that will be on the market soon. Our villa isn't even close to being ready to show according to Mommy, so don't know what will happen there.
Mommy's friend, Karen, has a birthday tomorrow. It is also Stephanie's birthday in Hawaii. Mommy hopes to talk to Stephanie tomorrow and to have lunch with Karen. Karen's husband, Luther, is away on a trip, so the two friends will have plenty of time to gab. Mommy needs to go to the store tomorrow too. There was something said about a leaner Cat Chow for the Big Boy. Hmmm....
*If you haven't read Ayn Rand, Mommy suggests Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. If you don't have time to tackle those behemoths, Mommy has a special place in her heart for We the Living.
~There is no such thing as a FREE kitten!~
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