I had a visit from my twin today! We didn't play much because I discovered the cat igloo after all these days in quarantine and decided it was a pretty cool place to hang out. I didn't want to get out...even to play with my brother! In fact, when Mommy came to check on me after a trip to Huntington, she couldn't find me! I kept quiet as a mouse (mice aren't really quiet, you know) and she looked everywhere...in the bathroom, in the closet...and when she finally spotted me I almost scared her to death! Nobody uses the igloo, so she didn't expect to see my head framed in the opening. Of course, once I was in there, Marquette decided that he just had to try it out.
Mommies went to Huntington today to pay for and pick up the building permit. They also paid for the heating and plumbing permits for Mr. Rex to pick up. Soon we will have electricity on the land because Mr. Rex put a box there and REMC will come and give us temporary electricity. Also the septic man will come back and finish his work so the basement man can begin to pour the foundation.
I guess the grapevines are starting to look really nice. Mommy says that grapes are the most beautiful crop in the world. I will upload some photos of the land soon as the work on the cottage progresses. Remember, this is really tiny...only about 1200 square feet. It is big enough for us though, as my mommies downsize for retirement.
Mommies put an ad in the Huntington Tab for the camper and will also be placing ads in other publications in the hope that it will sell quickly. Then they ate at a Mexican restaurant in Huntington that they like.
Mommy had a slow leak in one of her tires and had to take her car in to have the tire repaired. She bought herself a small air compressor in case her tires get low again. Mommy Bonnie had loaned her the one she owns, but Mommy said it was time to get her own.
My feet are still tender, so I will not be allowed unsupervised play with Tacumwah and Marquette until I am completely healed. I only have enough pain meds through tonight. Tomorrow my fecal goes in and I am hoping for an all-clear on Friday!
~There is no such thing as a free kitten.~
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