Yesterday was the first day of the rest of my life! Mommy got the phone message at work that my fecal was negative! Oh, happy day! After dinner she opened the master bedroom door and opened my world to so many more possibilities. But here's the thing...I didn't want to leave the safety of the bedroom. So Marquette came in and we played until Mommy thought I had had enough. Tacumwah came and went and wasn't friendly at all.
This morning the door was opened again. Mommy even carried me into the living room, but I quickly retreated to the bedroom where Marquette followed and we played for a very long time. Tacumwah still came and went, checking out my food and water bowls and my litter box. She sat and growled and hissed every time Marquette or I got close to her. I don't care about her. I love my brother and he is my best friend.
Last night Mommy Bonnie was very mean and told Mommy Kathy that I looked like I was pregnant. Well, I don't! And once I get to wrestle with my brother on a regular basis, I will slim down.
Miss Marra emailed some photos of Simon and Dexter to Mommy yesterday and we will try to post them this weekend. Simon is my age, and Dexter is just a little dude, although bigger than in the photos I will post.
So after talking to Dr. Chastain Thursday about my baby fangs not coming out, guess what? I lost both of them on Friday! All I have now is my big boy fangs! Mommy asked where my baby fangs were, but we can't find them anywhere.
Mommies are going to camp today and spending the night. I will miss them. Mommy said she would try to come home early tomorrow. Mommies have to be at camp Monday evening for the closing on the mortgage for the cottage.
~There is no such thing as a free kitten.~
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