No photos of me today. It was time to upload photos of the other pets who live here. Millie is the oldest and Mommy thinks she is 15. Little Bear is the Chihuahua and he is 11. Gizmo is about 8. Gennie is a girl. She layed her first egg last spring and she is about 9 years old. And, of course, Mommy wanted a decent photo of Tacumwah posted.
My fecal went in to the vet's today...and so did I! I gave Mommy quite a scare last night when I couldn't be coaxed out from under the bed to play paper and string. Mommy said I felt like I had a fever. When I took my medicine without a fight she was really concerned. She thought for sure I had an infection and gave me half of an antibiotic pill left over from a cat named Riesling. Then she slept with me all night, checking to make certain I was still breathing. This morning she expressed her concern at the vet's office when she dropped off my fecal and they thought Dr. Chastain should see me (Dr. Jamie was busy doing surgery).
Dr. Chastain was a guy, like me! He took my temp (dang, I hate that) and told Mommy it was on the high side of normal. He felt me all over and listened to my heart and checked between my legs and my front paws and he said I was fine. He watched me walk and decided to let me have a few more days of pain meds. He checked my teeth and saw that I was teething and still had those danged baby fangs along with my big boy fangs. So he gave me 10 days worth of antibiotic, I think more to make Mommy feel better. I had lost an ounce of weight (big deal). Dr. C told Mommy I was a very handsome boy and a very good boy. And they didn't charge Mommy for an office visit. She was very happy about that.When we got home I put up a terrible fight when Mommy tried to give me my meds.
Mommy decided to go geocaching and got all ready to go. But then she decided she didn't want to go...that she wanted to stay home with us. So she and I took a nap together until dinner time.
Tomorrow we get the fecal results back. Mommy and I are hoping they are negative. Even if they are, she is going to only allow supervised play until I am better from my surgeries.
~There is no such thing as a free kitten.~
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