Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Biggest Gainers, Part II

I am in the corner, but I wasn't bad!

It has been a while since I have blogged. I am at the mercy of Mommy and she has been busy reading Lisa Scottoline, watching movies and shopping...all things that she enjoys. Also, not much has been happening with me.

There has been a lot happening at Blossom Ridge Farm though! If you haven't read that blog for a while, check it out!

Mommy bought me a new collar yesterday. It isn't leather since my protein deficiency led me to destroy my leather collar. This one is a tightly woven nylon. It is blue and goes very nicely with my silver fur. It is supposed to be snag-proof. Sounds like a challenge to me; however, I have left it alone so far.

So yesterday was weigh-in day and here is the rundown. Marquette and Tacumwah maintained at 9.5 and 9 lbs. respectively. Mille was steady at 12 lbs., and Little Bear remained 7.5 lbs. Gizmo blimped up from 17 lbs. to 18 lbs. and yours truly went from 10.5 lbs to 11 lbs. So much for diets! Mommy is hoping that Giz will take off some weight when we move to the country and he can run at the farm. Me? There is no hope. Mommy keeps saying I have to level off soon. Do I? One thing new since I last bogged is that Tacumwah is now playing with me. With two cats to exercise with, maybe I can at least maintain my weight.

Mommy has a new hobby. I can't say too much about it because she doesn't want anyone to steal her idea. But it involves wines and wine history, some wine tasting and food, and she is hoping to get some of her friends who love wine to participate in her new pet project. She is currently buying some of the wines for the first tasting along with some other essentials, and she has her introduction written. She wants to do the first tasting here on Blossom Ridge, but Mommy Bonnie says it should take place at The Farm after we move in and she is probably right. That will give Mommy some time to research and buy a camera. She is also taking some wine courses through Wine Spectator Online where she has a membership. Stay tuned as this project develops. It could be a fun and exciting time!

The report from Miss Marra on Little Dexter is that he made it through his surgery just fine and was back playing with Baby Si-Si right away. He tipped the scales at 5 lbs. 12 oz. at the vet's office. Sofie will be going in for her surgery early in January and Mommy will have to check on Maya and Kitty.

Mommy is making her world-famous grilled salmon tonight...ok, it is famous in OUR world...and it is driving Tacumwah crazy while it is marinating.

Mommy Bonnie's new HD TV is awesome. Mommy even says so and she doesn't even watch much TV. That TV will go in the basement of the cottage as part of Mommy Bonnie's home theatre system. The basement will be the family room. You can read all that on The Farm blog, so I won't repeat it.

OK, gotta get cleaned up for dinner!

~There is no such thing as a free kitten!~

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