Today is another lazy winter day at The Fort on Blossom Ridge. We are all comatose except for Mommy.
Mommy has the day off only she doesn't have the day off. She has already been to the post office to mail Seyfert's potato chips to Stephanie in Hawaii along with Archway cookies and Russell Stover candy. She looked for a Goodwill drop-off place but couldn't find one...not even at the Goodwill Store! She is starting to get rid of things so that she is ready to move into the cottage in the spring. She looked up where to take the items but won't be going by any of the places today.
Mommy was supposed to have lunch with her friend, Karen, today, but they had to cancel for a variety of reasons. She was also supposed to go to Sam's Club but will have to go next week. She has been working on what she thinks is a great idea about educating people about Indiana wine but she doesn't want to say too much because she doesn't want anyone else to steal her idea. Mommy Bonnie isn't as excited about the idea, but Mommy thinks it is a winner and it is now her pet project. More about this after her idea has been launched.
We want to wish Little Dexter a speedy recovery from his surgery today. We understand he hates going to the doctor. Miss Marra says it takes days for him to recover from the trauma.
Mommy washed the kitchen floor with coffee this morning. As if her day wasn't going downhill quickly enough, she managed to spill half a cup of coffee on the kitchen floor. She is glad it wasn't on the carpet and that the three of us cats stayed out of it!
Mommy Bonnie's new TV is ready to be picked up at Sears, so maybe she will go get it this weekend. The rest of the things she purchased on Black Friday will be picked up on the 18th and she and Mommy will take them to the farm. Today Mommy has to be at the farm by 1 because the air-conditioner is being delivered between 1-3. How happy is she about that??? The builder is busy on another project he is trying to finish up and will be unable to receive the AC. Mommy will dress warmly and take a book. She will also take photos of the progress on the cottage, so there should be an update on the farm blog in the next couple of days.
That is it for today!
~There is no such thing as a free kitten!~
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