That is my goofy twin in today's photos! Mommy had some meat in a plastic bag. Even though the meat was double-bagged, Marquette could still smell it in the outer bag. So he grabbed the bag and took off throughout the house with it. He put his head inside the bag and Mommy couldn't tell if it was stuck or he just wanted his head in the bag. She threw the bag away after she took the photos so Marquette wouldn't suffocate. He growled just like he does when he eats or has something he doesn't want to share.
Ok, so I'm a little under the weather. Last night when Mommy was cleaning the litter boxes I jumped between the two of them and squatted many times trying to pee. Mommy thought I was playing until I peed on her bed late this morning and she saw some blood in my urine. So I got packed into the crate and I hollered all the way to the vet's office this afternoon and for a while after I got there. Dr. Stover looked at me and thought I looked...well...maybe just a bit chubby. I weighed 11 lbs. 12 oz. on her scales. (They MUST be wrong!) She examined me and said I acted like my bladder was a little tender. She took me in the back room and got some pee out of me for a urinalysis and she stuck her finger up my butt to empty my anal glands since Mommy told her I am the only cat she has ever had that butt scoots.
Is this TMI?
So I had an absolutely AWFUL time at the vet's. Dr. Stover said I had blood in my urine and an elevated white blood count but no crystals. I am on pain meds but no antibiotics. Dr. Stover said this would clear up in a few days to a week if we did nothing, but that I was probably in pain and should have 3-5 days of pain meds. She said bigger boned cats like me are prone to this type of thing and that I might get it every so often, or maybe never again. I am supposed to get OFF dry catfood and eat mostly canned food because it has more water in it. I am supposed to drink LOTS of water too.
Mommy Bonnie wants me quarantined in the master bedroom until I am better but I don't know if Mommy will go along with it. She has put water in more places in the house and has moved a litter box into the main living area so I am always close to water and a potty.
Mommy took her first wine class today. It was a 3-hour course. She enjoyed it very much and had to take a test. She got 100% on it.
I will try to keep you updated on my condition. Right now I am feeling kind of drugged from my pain meds.
~There is no such thing as a free kitten!~
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