Today it is windy out. It is 32 degrees outside. We are all sleeping. Even Mommies slept in today. Mommy got up about 8:37 when her phone rang. Mommy Bonnie slept much later than that.
Today is Mommy's birthday. I won't tell you how old she is, only that she was 60 last year. She got a really neat Hawaiian shirt from Stephanie and she can't wait to wear it to work. It is a perfect fit, but at 32 degrees, it may be a while before she wears it.
Yesterday Mommies went to the farm and the campground. They talked to the electrician/plumber about where they needed light switches, etc. They also had lots of help covering the top of the camper to protect it after the ice storm damage. I won't write about it here because it is all on the farm blog.
Mommy finished Mistaken Identity last week and really liked it. She recommends it to everyone reading this blog. Now she is reading about Dewey the library cat and she recommends that book too. She continues to read Lisa Scottoline and wants everyone to know that Lisa has a column in The Philadelphia Inquirer each week called Chick Wit. Today's column is especially funny, and Mommy wants to share it with all of you. The URL is: http://www.philly.com/inquirer/columnists/lisa_scottoline/20081228_Chick_Wit__Resolved__Keep_doing_things_I_like.html
Mommy called a Bunny Alert on Friday night but no one responded! She was the first to see the bunny in the front yard and she tried to get Marquette and I interested, but if we aren't the one to call the alert, then we won't respond.
~There is no such thing as a free kitten!~
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